Yesterday, Governor Hochul nominated Judge LaSalle, who is known for his anti-women, anti-union and conservative positions, to be the Chief Judge of the state of NY. By definition this means he is anti-tenant too. If he is allowed to proceed and if the Senate confirms him, it would be catastrophic for New Yorkers. So far 8 senators (Rivera, Jackson, May, Salazar, Brouk, Brisport, Hinchey, and Gonzalez) have come out in opposition, promising to vote NO. But we need more. Every senator needs to hear from us.
The Chief Judge has the power to uphold Right to Counsel for tenants facing eviction. Currently the Acting Chief Judge is denying tenants their rights. LaSalle would most certainly further this position if not make it worse. For more on the Chief Judge's power in upholding RTC see our Defend RTC campaign page and read our full FAQ on DEFEND RTC.