Town Hall to Stop Evictions and Cancel Rent

On Thursday, February 26, 2021 our Housing Courts Must Change! campaign held a powerful Town Hall and Teach-In! If you were unable to make it, you can still watch the live recording on Facebook

A huge thanks to City Council Members Vanessa Gibson, Mark Levine, and Ben Kallos for joining us at the Town Hall and committing to help us pass Intro 2050 to ensure that ALL income eligible tenants have Right to Counsel NOW.

We also have more work to do!

  • Continue calling your City Council Members to sponsor Intro 2050: Click here to call your council members today! Download our track sheet and sample call script here.
  • Ask your City Council Members to sign the pledge to #StopEvictions, #CancelRent, and ensure that tenants have Right to Counsel NOW.

When we fight, we win!