Attend our upcoming Virtual New York State Roundtable on Right to Counsel, which will focus on the historic statewide Right to Counsel legislation we are aiming to pass this session. The legislation (A7570B / S6678B), introduced by Senator Rachel May and Assembly Member Latoya Joyner, would guarantee the most vulnerable tenants across New York State the Right to Counsel when facing an eviction. With tenants facing an eviction crisis that has been severely exacerbated by the pandemic, there's never been a more urgent time to pass this legislation. Where versions of this bill have already been implemented in New York City and across the country, Right to Counsel has has been hugely successful in stopping evictions: since it was passed in NYC in 2017, landlords are suing tenants less and 86 percent of tenants who had a right to counsel lawyer won their case and were able to remain in their homes. The seven cities that now have a Right to Counsel have seen up to a 77 percent reduction in evictions.
The purpose of this Roundtable is to bring together tenants, organizers, advocates, and elected officials to discuss the legislation, and address questions about the legislation. The evening’s agenda will include a presentation on the bill, comments from tenants and legal service providers, and a Q&A section.
RSVP at the bottom of this webpage to receive an email containing the Zoom link for the Roundtable.