Since November, nearly 300 tenants have come out to town halls across NYC to learn more about and take action for the campaign to expand Right to Counsel!
Read more about our town halls in the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan!
At the town halls, tenants learned more about the two bills we are trying to pass (Intro 1104 and Intro 1529), watched our campaign video, and heard from Council Members who attended to express their support.
Tenants like Kim also explained why they support our campaign.
“My neighbors and I have been able to organize to restore the gas and get repairs at our building. We live in a RTC zip code and it gives us the relief we can have free legal representation if we are taken to court. So this motivates me to let other people in my zip code know that they don’t have to put up with bad conditions and intimidation, that they can take action, and that they can organize. Intro 1104 and 1529 would expand RTC so that more New Yorkers are protected like me and so that the organizations that support us can continue to inform and educate the community about their rights."
Now we can't let the momentum stop there! Here are 3 ways you can take action today:
1. Sign our petition: We are only halfway to our goal of collecting 5,000 signatures by the end of February! Please sign and share with others!
2. Contact your Council Member: We have 32 Council Members signed on to Intro 1104 and 30 signed on to Intro 1529. But we need 34 Council Members signed on to both to ensure that we have a veto-proof majority! Use our guide to call your Council Members today!
3. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: We are going to have a lot of events and announcements in these upcoming weeks. Follow us on social media for the latest updates on the campaign!
Here's to working to make NYC eviction free!