Right to Counsel Tenant Organizing Materials


WATCH: Tenant Leaders on Why the Right to Counsel Is Important in Fighting Evictions: 

In March, 2022, we released our newest report: Organizing is Different Now: How the Right to Counsel Strengthens the Tenant Movement in New York City. This report, created in collaboration with our partners at TakeRoot Justice is the culmination of a series of focus groups with organizers and tenants across the city to understand how RTC impacts the organizing landscape in NYC.  The powerful results, rooted in tenant testimony and experience, show that RTC strengthens the organizing movement. 



"Is Your Landlord Evicting You?" Pamphlet

Because evictions are terrifying and traumatic, many tenants chose to move out instead of fighting their case. Landlords know this and sure thousands of people betting on your fear. Don't let them. Read our pamphlet about how to fight your eviction:







The Case for Going on Rent Strike

A landlord’s business model depends on collecting rents. When a collective group of tenants withholds rents over a sufficient period of time, fighting and delaying in court, while also making demands public through rallies and the press, the only way for the landlord to collect rent is to meet your demands. Learn more about rent strikes here. 

List of Tenant Organizing Groups Across NY State: English Spanish

Our Demands to Make NYC Eviction Free

Check out our demands for an eviction free NYC here!