Last week, we released our Eviction Crisis Monitor, which shows how many tenants landlords are trying to evict across New York City and State.
The numbers confirm what we already know: In Black and brown neighborhoods hit hardest by COVID-19, landlords are trying to evict tenants at rates higher than anywhere else.
The Monitor includes a statewide graph and a New York City map that update automatically every week with the latest numbers from the Office of Court Administration. Huge thanks to ANHD,, and the Housing Data Coalition for helping us build it!
Also make sure to check out this New York Times piece, featuring our Monitor and CASA member Marisol Morales!
Evictions are ALWAYS violent and during a pandemic, they are deadly. Our elected officials must do more to protect our communities – cancel rent, extend and strengthen the eviction protections, and ensure everyone has the right to counsel.
Learn more about our campaigns and get involved in the fight to create an #EvictionFreeNY!
When we fight, we win!